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Healing & Expressive

Arts for Life Skills

Skill Building for Successful Living

Build essential life skills in creative ways with a proven system

Are you looking to help people build their essential life skills? Like decision-making, creative problem-solving, emotional and social intelligence, and other common life skills that are vital to successful living? You're in the right place! We have proven tools to help you succeed. We serve families, helping professionals, teachers, and others with a community focus.

Free Audiobook with

10 Tools for Emotional Freedom

This guide will show you

~ Take Back Control & Truly Have CHOICES In Your World

~ Simple & Easy to Use Tools to Rapidly Shift Perspective & Stuck Emotions

~ Latest Findings & Secrets from Seven Leading Experts in the Healing Arts

Get Your Free Audiobook!
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"I really liked the way the ideas in this book were introduced, like how it gave me multiple ways to look at things, and discovering how we can free ourselves from those things that hold us down. Dianne offered many ways to get free from these things, the psychological traumas and emotional challenges that hold us back. It opened up my perspective and way of looking at things and gave me so many more options. I'm so happy I have it and I keep thinking of people I know who will love it and find it just as valuable."

~ Karen Thomas, Caregiver in Maryland

Uniquely Focused

With original programs for helping professionals & families

Dianne A. Fanti, M.S., C.P.C.

Meet Dianne

Welcome! If you've come here seeking to help others build their essential life skills and resilience (while strengthening your own), you're in the right place! We have proven tools for families, professionals, and others serving communities.

Hi, I'm Dianne and I've been studying and teaching therapeutic techniques from the healing and expressive arts for 30 years. Over many years, I created an educational approach that can dramatically improve people's feelings of well-being, relieving stress and challenging emotions, while strengthening resilience and building essential life skills.

What's unique about my work is that I work with both mental health/helping professionals and also directly with families. My educational program RESET for Wellness is approved by the MD State Dept. of Education and I have trained the staff at Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc. and school psychologists at Mergenthaler High School, Baltimore's largest high school, in my unique skill-building approach.

While many people now consider me a Skill-building Specialist, I grew up knowing how it feels, to feel like you lacked some vital life skills, and I don't want anyone to feel like that! It's not necessary. So in my programs you'll find fun, creative, and engaging ways to build your own and your community's essential life skills and sense of well-being. I'm delighted that you're here and welcome to the Skill-building Society that we're cultivating!

To your success and well-being,


RESET for Wellness

A program for building essential life skills with a proven system.

Approved Continuing Professional Development

& Continuing Education for helping professionals

RESET for Wellness: 

A Proven System

~ An in-person and online course, originally designed for helping professionals, can be used in many community settings

~ A curated collection of research-based techniques that can dramatically improve well-being

~ Build life skills in fun & engaging ways while calming and centering participants for focused awareness and improved learning, using the healing and expressive arts

You'll learn an easy to use, creative approach to building the following life skills: 

~ Self-regulation and mindfulness relieve distressing emotions and restore a sense of calm well-being

~ Creative problem-solving and decision-making skills

~ Emotional and social intelligence skills are fostered 

~ Supports the building of a career path and knowing one's strengths 

~ Bonus: Budgeting skills

"I have found the exercises extremely helpful"

"I have used the RESET for Wellness System throughout my practice, while working with both children and adults. No matter what age or demographic, I have found the exercises extremely helpful as they provide clinicians with practical tools to implement interventions that aid the client's mental health recovery process. I have appreciated learning these new techniques and find that they enhance what I'm able to offer my clients."

~ Grace Olivieri, LMSW

"An Advanced Body of Knowledge"

"Dianne Fanti brings a depth of experience and an advanced body of knowledge to her teaching skills and the curriculum that she has created. Her use of guided meditations, breathing and centering techniques help to calm participants agitated minds and brings them closer towards a central brain balance. She has also uniquely integrated essential life skills within the expressive arts, in a format that's fun, engaging, clever, and wise. I would highly recommend her RESET for Wellness Educational Program."

~ Dr. Paula Schmidt, Ph.D.

This course is approved for .5 CPD's by the Maryland State Department of Education.

Join us & find more testimonials at resetforwellness.com

"This was the most fun my client’s had in a session! She & her Mom were really engaged. We made a chart she can use during the week to go along with the activities the game provided for her. The game gave a tangible method for addressing behavior ~ and all goals are measurable! I just love that and I’m excited to be using it in my practice!”

~ Grace Olivieri, LGSW

"I love this game. It's very creative. I love the activities and knowing how it will help my daughter in building her life skills, she needs this and it's very timely for us." ~ Zakiya Stanley, nurse


New Version Coming Soon!

Be the 1st to know when it's available! Email us at healseducation.com

We're adding an online portal so you can access online training that Dianne typically teaches families with the game & it's almost finished!

Shores of Success  

An Educational Game and Program

For families, counselors, schools, and community groups

~ Adults can gain cooperation with effective communication

~ Helps young people learn to make everyday tasks fun and engaging. And they earn points for the items they want, while building a work ethic.

~ Adults can help children cultivate 5 essential skills: creative problem-solving, task management, goal setting, self-care, and social skills.

~ Includes 15 resources from a PhD educational psychologist, child welfare advocate, and professional coaches. 

~ Adults gain an understanding of children’s needs developmentally, while discovering age-appropriate tasks.

~ The online program shows you exactly how to help children cultivate these skills, saving you the time and effort of learning each piece yourself and also knowing the best ways to help children cultivate them.

This is a creative way to help you cultivate win-win's with the young people in your life!

Success can be cultivated

"Shores of Success is a practical, fun, and interesting way to teach your child or any child you care about the rewards of being responsible and caring for others. Children are naturally helpful and generous but may need reminders and incentives to practice on a regular basis. Caregivers model good communication and problem-solving skills which is an additional bonus of this well-crafted, interactive game." ~ Dr. Paula Schmidt, Ph.D., Educational Psychologist 

"I really like this game and have been using it with my grandson Mickel. We figure out what reward he wants and keep a notebook, so he can see his progress. He loves feeling like he can earn the things he wants, rather than waiting on the adults to simply give him things. He really loves being helpful, and you can see it boosts his self-esteem when he helps others out. I love seeing him thinking of others and thinking about the consequences of his choices, actually thinking things through, knowing that he's building his critical thinking skills for the future. And I love that there are extra tools that help when anyone gets stuck, like the ones that help build understanding and strengthen communication. I'm looking forward to bringing this game with me to his school when I start teaching there next month, I want to see how we can include it there." ~ Amelie Hamilton

Get personalized support

Whenever you need it or are looking to uplevel your life

Your Next Level Consulting

Have you ever noticed how much easier and more satisfying it is to reach your goals and dreams when you have an abundance of support and encouragement?

Imagine things coming together for you more readily and actually falling into place, as you find vital stepping stones on your path of growth and transformation, and feeling fully supported when you're making significant decisions that impact your family and future.

This unique blend of coaching and consulting will help you:

>> Get clear on your current values and vision for your life

>> Uncover your deeper purpose, talents, and strengths

>> Understand the ways in which you become derailed and design a plan that remedies that

>> Strengthen the speed or rate with which your make progress by adding in consistent, reliable support

>> Gain accountability which strengthens your resolve and builds momentum

>> Learn how to overcome obstacles that used to stop you

>> Strengthen resilience and essential life skills like communication, decision-making, creative problem-solving, time-management, and goal-setting with a skill-building expert who's been assisting people for 30+ years

>> And celebrate meeting your goals in a meaningful way!

>> I also help entrepreneurs and small businesses with website design, video creation (the videos above I created), and promotion, so they can flourish! See website examples here.

   "Dianne has been instrumental in helping me discover my strengths and resetting priorities to be able to achieve a new path in life. During our conversations, she supports my spiritual path without judgment or bias. I am grateful that she challenges me with open ended questions to find how my past perceptions are holding me back. Then she gently holds me accountable for my actions. After speaking with Dianne, my life goals are now more in focus without the clouds of judgment or bias. It takes time to have focused conversations to aid in healthy decisions without the interference of the old ideas and support systems.

     Dianne continues to provide books, videos, breathing techniques, and meditation examples to re-emphasize our conversations. She's been an incredible support and cheerleader for me to make the tough decisions while moving forward in life. We all have our good days and bad, we celebrate both together. On the bad days, I am reminded by Dianne of how far I have come and on the good days we celebrate with cheer. Not only has Dianne become a life coach for me, she is a great advocate. It has been an honor to know Dianne during this time in my life, with her support, I feel much stronger and the possibilities seem endless. I am truly blessed having Dianne in my life."

~ Ann C., Registered Nurse in Maryland

An Update ~
We are happy to share that Ann is now living on a large farm, which has been one of her dreams! She's got a more advanced role with a much higher-paying position in her field, and she's now able to travel outside of the country to places she's always wanted to visit!

We can all learn how to become unstoppable in achieving our life goals and dreams! I have been helping people overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and achieve improbable goals and dreams for over 30 years. I'm happy to help you too!

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Your complimentary strategy session is awaiting you!

443.712.7087   [email protected]

Skill building for successful living

Important Information:

RESET for Wellness is a Licensed System

Shores of Success is a Licensed

Program & Game

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